• Monatomic Iodine 1.5%


Iodine is a non-metallic halogenic element No.53 on the Periodic Table. Ocean Kelp has the highest concentration. Binders & Inhibitors Include Fluoride, Fluorine, Bromides, Chlorine, Mercury, Methylmercury & High Fat Diets. It is used by every hormone in the body. Primary uptake is in the Thyroid, then preferentially distributed to receptors throughout the whole body including breast, stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, nerves, brain and every molecule including DNA. For fascinating Biochemistry, History & Uses in Medicine we recommend reading "Breast Cancer & Iodine " by Endriconologist Dr.David Derry, M.D. It shows the direct causal effect between lack of tissue iodine, thyroxine, and the development or metastasis of ANY kind of Cancer or Fibroids.
It is an old descriptive term from Cayce for what we call the "Active" form. Atomic or Detoxified Activated iodine is when has the natural diatomic covalent iodine bond is broken to release free iodine which carries one electron on each molecule. It is the most bioavailable & non-toxic form since it's already activated through electromagnetic charging. The electric charging is what breaks the double bond and "detoxifies" it. Historically "Detoxified Iodine" referred to the less expensive weaker method from Cayce's reading 358-2, generally sold as 1% and treated for a shorter time. Once activated monoatomic iodine contacts water, it starts losing it's charge and reverts back to its original diatomic state in 2-3 hours according to Schieffelin Pharmaceuticals papers from the early 1940s.
The body turns iodide into iodine and visa versa as a result of oxidation / redux in the stomach. Stronger iodine solutions like Lugols or pills like Ioderol (a tableted lugol's or potassium iodide) require much higher doses and the presence of potassium for the body break it apart and produce any monoatomic iodine. The high doses required can become toxic. The oxidized active free form (atomic) is more active and biologically available at weaker strengths and lower doses, eliminating the drawbacks of other forms of molecular iodine. Many individuals who are told they're "allergic" to iodine can tolerate active iodine just fine . The Active form is much more active despite its weaker strength.
Edgar Cayce was a big proponent of iodine in his readings in the early 20th Century, but in its molecular form (potassium iodide/iodine) it is highly toxic. His many attempts to "detoxify" it met with failure until he met Indian Chemical Engineer Sukhar Bisey in 1931, who had cured himself in India of Malaria with an old iodine herbal black syrup popular amongst Indian Shamans.

Here's a Timeline to help clarify things --
1. 1910 & earlier, East Indian Shamans used an Herbal Iodine syrup for fevers & malaria in India, which cured Dr.Sunker Bisey's malaria. (Bisey was a pharmacist).
2. Dr.Bisey's started manufacturing iodine in India called "Beslin" Circa 1913 prior to meeting Edgar Cayce
3. Dr.Bisey Immigrated to the US 1917 & started Beslin Corp. in 1926 in the US. He meets Edgar Cayce in 1931 and goes for several readings & advice.
4. Dr.Bisey forms Atomidine Company 1932 after taking Cayce's term "atomic iodine" and creating a brand from it using sodium chloride base (CHLORINE) instead of 
alcohol, which was NOT the instructions Cayce gave.
5. Dr.Bisey tried making it according to Cayce's instruction for Electrified Atomidine in alcohol as a tincture & succeeded but never marketed it (sait it was too expensive to make).
6. Dr. Bisey died in 1935 & the Atomidine Co. was bought in 1948 by Schieffelin Co. who eventually sold it to Bisey's son-in-law who made Atomidine 
until 1974 when he sold it to The Heritage Store which makes the clear iodine trichloride from Bisey, NOT Cayce, who would never use chlorine since 
he knew it was poison. The product line has since be resold again although still marketed by Heritage Store. Cayce's product is mono-atomic iodine, not bound to 3 molecules of chlorine.
Edgar Cayce gave 2 separate readings for Dr. Bisey and gave him directions with 2 different manufacturing methods.
READING # 358-1 This method produces the STRONGER MOST ACTIVE Atomic State (monoatomic = 1 molecule) using a strong electromagnetic field and longer exposure times to break the diatomic bonds and stabilize it after cooling and yields smaller amounts of finished product.per batch but is significantly more active than the plain 358-2 method. The end product has a very high % monoatomic iodine, 90+%. We can make 1%, 2%, up to 8%. Heat is generated from the electification process which can damage the product and product noxious byproducts. Our lab uses high precision pharmaceutical lab equipment to tightly control the temperature and it never gets over 98 degrees Fahrenheit. It is a much slower method and closely monitored over days to produce the highest quality product with the greatest % of Free Active Iodine (No Iodide present.)
READING #358-2 This method produces the WEAKER LESS ACTIVE "Detoxified" Iodine w /added energy but the % of monoatomic iodine is much less. It was borne out of Cayce's frustration from Bisey's complaints that the 358-1 took too much time $ money, and profit margins too small. This method is much faster and cheaper, using weak electromagnetic fields and much shorter exposure times with no heat build up. It produces a product which is about 1/3 the strength. The products out there are generally 1% "iodine" but the free % of monoatomic varies depending on quality control. Both products have their uses and either one is better than traditional molecular iodine products. Dosing with the 358-2 version requires at least 2-3 times the amount to achieve similar resuls as the 358-1 formula
Our contract Lab maintains the highest purity and quality control methods using pharmaceutical grade ingredients & manufacturing methods. Electrification time and temperature is precision controlled to insure that the highest % has been detoxified and to insure consitent results. We only use Organic Deep Sea Kelp Iodine, not commercial mined forms from South America. We strive for the highest % of Free Active (monoatomic) Detoxified Iodine and prefer to offer the higher 2% strength (2% is what pharmacologists generally recommend for faster acting time). We also offer a smoother 1.5% strength also. The length of treatment time is what produces the highest % of monoatomic, although there is no test that we have found to accurately test for mono-atomic iodine. Our chemist figures using a mathematical formula that we're in the 90+% of monoatomic form in our finished products.

Internal Uses: 

Enlarged Thyroid / Goiter (enlargement is frequently due to lack of tissue iodine, butnot always. Many times it is due to Gluten Intolerance and the beginnings of autoimmune / Hashimotos response, and iodine can make it worse. You have to get off all Gluten and iodine to determine this along with blood tests. Sometimes radiation damages it but rarely. Sometimes exposure to environmental toxins like flouride and bromides also.
Low Thyroid Tissue Conversion (Wilson's Syndrome) produces Functional Hypothyroid Symptoms (thyroid tblood est is OK but symptoms are there: dry skin, fatigue, hair breaking or falling out, brain fog, weight gain, high cholesterol & triglycerides, irregular heart beats, blood sugar issues, poor healing wounds, frequent colds & infections, etc. Converstion from T4 to the active T3 happens out in the skin and there is no blood test for it.
Infection prevention & management: bacterial & viral Infections such as malaria, dengue fever, lymes, Hep, Herpes, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, etc.
Balancing Hormones when excess Estrogens / Aromatase Enzyme needs to be inhibited (BPH / Prostatitis, Breast and Uterine Fibroids, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Cancerss, etc.)
Blocking the effect and protection from toxic halogens like Mercury, Flouride and Glutamates like MSG which affect brain and neurological function
Breast, (fibrocystic breasts), Uterine, Ovarian Fibroids & Cysts
Chelation for Cardiovascular blockages & kills bacterial infections which are frequently involved such as Clamydia, Nanobacterium, Staph, Strep, etc.
Diabetic patients--preventative of infections, blood clots, etc.
Nasal & Sinus Irritation & Infections (nebulized and breathed works well for sinus and lung irritation and infections such as Valley Fever which is a chronic fungal infection).
Ear canal irritation & infection
Teeth and Gums: brushing & using in waterpick helps eliminate infections, cavities, etc.
Throat / Voice box: great for gargling for sore throats, EBV infections, irritation from breathing airborne toxins like from fires, construction, etc.
Pets, Birds, Poultry, Livestock , Equine, etc. Helps keep them healthy, and naturally treats many conditions, infections, etc.
Transdermal Uses: (our Salve is great for these issues)
Wound care, bites & stings, fungal infections (ring worm), nail fungus, warts, breast cancer or fibroids, vaginal yeast infections, etc.
Skin conditions: fungal infection such as ringworm, dermatitis, psoriasis, infections like staph, etc.
Antiviral: works great topically on herpes class and other blister forming viral infections
Nail conditions: fungal infections, poor growth or fragility, etc. Best used if nail is filed very thin or even removed.
  • Increased Energy & Stamina
  • Improved Thyroid & Endocrine Function
  • Improved Immune System Function (Hashimotos Thyroiditis and Graves patients should not take this without discussing it with their physicians. If you feel worse, stop.)
  • Detoxifies / Eliminates Toxic Halogens like Mercy, Bromides, Fluoride, etc. (THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM)
  • Clearer Thinking & Elimination of Brain Fog
  • Lower Cholesterol / Triglycerides
  • Improves Insulin Sensitivity / Regulates Blood Sugar
  • Improved Sweating Mechanism for Detox
  • Improved Digestion
  • Improved Bowel Function (greater volume, transit time, etc.)
  • Improved Urinary Excretions
  • Improves Breast Milk Quantity & Quality & passes to infant
  • Reduced Body Odors (vaginal, foot, underarm, etc.)
  • Broad Spectrum Antiseptic / Antibiotic / Anti-parasitic
  • Eliminates common fungal infections like ringworm, toenail fungus, etc.
  • Wound Care
  • Radiation Protection when thyroid receptors are fully loaded
  • Pets
  • Many more benefits than can be listed here

Serving Size: 1 drop
No. Servings: 1000 / 1 fl. oz.
Amt. Iodine per Serving: 450 mcg. / .45 mg.
2% Iodine Tincture in Pure Organic Grain Alcohol.**
** Natural Ocean Kelp Source
Serving Size: 1 drop
No.Serving per bottle: 1000 drops
Amount Iodine per serving: .34 mg/drop*
1.5% Tincture in Pure Organic Grain Alcohol
* Natural Ocean Kelp Iodine (harvested and processed before Fukishima)
Activated Iodine is the monoatomic form (I1) which the body easily uses. All other iodine forms have to be converted to the active form to be biologically available. This form eliminates the potential toxicities to the thyroid and other organs from diatomic (I2) molecular forms used in high doses for fibroids, etc.
Use Instruction:
Oral: 2-3 milligrams per day up to 20 mg. per day are what studies show are safe levels which is contrary to typical microgram doses used to avoid goiter in the US (150-200 mcg/day is RDA). Many cultures like in India & Japan use much higher doses without adverse effects. These doses are based on the studies using Lugols or Potassium Iodide, not Cayce's Detoxified Active Iodine, which requires much less since it is over 95% active. Lugols / Potassium Iodide require the liver to process and break it into useable Active I1 first. Our product eliminates this step.
Initial Wholebody Tissue Loading Dose: For those NOT using another iodine product. Put 3 drops into 2 oz. distilled water, hold and swish before swallowing. Do this 3 times daily on empty stomach for 2-4 weeks or as directed. We recommend 5 days on, 2 days off to let the liver and kidneys rest.
Maintenance Dose: 1-3 drops daily or as directed by healthcare professional. Atomic or Active Iodine reverts back to it's less active, more toxic Diatomic form in water in about 2 hrs. which is why it needs to be dosed so frequently. Pregnant Women: 1 drop 3x/week. Children: 1 drop 2x/week.
Radiation Prophylactic: EPA recommends 40 mg. per day (they are referring to potentially toxic potassium iodide pills). MORE IS NOT BETTER ! Our product is much more active and doesn't require as much. We recommend 1 drop 2x/day. It takes several weeks to accomplish tissue loading.
CAUTION: Iodine is a stimulatory element and will up-regulate the entire Glandular System and eruptions and increased secretions can occur. As iodine displaces toxic halogens like fluoride or mercury. Temporary stomach upset and runny sinuses are common as viruses, fungus and bacteria are killed off. Sweating mechanism is regulated by Iodine tissue levels so sweating is easier when tissue level is restored. Keep away from Children. If Rash or Adverse Effects Occur, Stop Immedately. Symptoms typically clear in a few days.

The most fortuitous accident in the history of medicine, is one story many of us are familiar with: the discovery of penicillin. We've all heard the stories of the mold ruining the cultures and how suddenly, a mind shift occurred and bingo, the birth of antibiotics. Few realize that penicillin had been discovered a lot earlier, back in the late 1800's by a medical student. But, sadly, the world wasn't ready for it and, the haughtiness of physicians at that time would not allow them to look upon a mere student's discovery with more than condescending curiosity. Even fewer are aware that Pasteur discovered and wrote up the first antibiotic experiment, in which he watched a substance gobble up his bacteria specimens. That "substance" was garlic.
In 1811 when Bernard Courtois (1777-1838) discovered iodine, he was not searching for a way to heal his fellow humans. On the contrary; he was looking for a way to kill his fellow humans. Napoleon's army at the time required huge quantities of gunpowder and supplies were running short. Saltpeter (potassium nitrate-KNO3-sometimes spelled saltpeter) is a major component in gunpowder and requires an abundant source of sodium carbonate to be manufactured. Sodium carbonate is extracted from wood ashes, but the war had gone on so long that they'd run out of willow wood, the preferred source. Someone suggested using dried seaweed (burnt to ash), which seemed to be abundant off the coasts of Normandy and Brittany. The suggestion worked and the French were back in business, making gunpowder and killing people.
However, in the process of making saltpeter, excess sulfur compounds were created and they had to add sulfuric acid to the mixture to get rid of them. Courtois accidentally added a bit too much acid one day, and poof, a violet vapor cloud appeared and condensed onto the colder, metal objects and formed lustrous crystals. Courtois, a working chemist, realized he'd created something new. He performed a few minor experiments with this new substance and noted that it combined well with phosphorous, hydrogen, and a few metals, but did not combine easily with oxygen or carbon. Furthermore, he discovered that it was quite explosive when mixed with ammonia and did not decompose when burned..
Courtois suspected he'd discovered a new element, but the war (Napoleon having stretched the government's coffers to the point of bankruptcy) was the focus of France's spending at the time, and without funding, he could experiment no further. Besides, there was a war to fight. So he turned his discovery over to the French chemist (and physicist) Charles-Bernard Désormes (1777-1862), who, with the help of his son-in-law Nicolas Clément (1779-1841) performed the scientific investigation into this new element.
Courtois, for some reason, also gave samples to Louis-Joseph Gay-Lussac (1778-1850) and André M. Ampère (1775­1836). Both teams went to work investigating this new substance and in November of 1813, at a meeting of the Imperial Institute of France, Désormes and Clément announced their discovery. A few days later Gay-Lussac and André M. Ampère published that this was either an element or a compound of oxygen. No one yet, knew for sure exactly what it was, until the English chemist Sir Humphrey Davy got into the picture (you might recall Davy as being the Father of Stoners in our essay The History of Anesthesia) and did some experiments with samples given him by Ampère.
Davy published, on the 10th of December, 1813, a little piece in which he described this substance's qualities as being similar to chlorine, and that it was quite analogous to both Fluorine and Chlorine. He named it Iodine from a Greek word for "violet colored" but the hubbub did not stop there. Suddenly the priority rights over the substance were in dispute (who did what first and so on) while both Gay-Lussac and Davy acknowledged that Courtois was the discoverer.

Ground Breaking Research now Published by Dr.David Derry, M.D.,Ph.D., Endocrinologist / Biochemist
Cancer: The Iodine & Thyroid Hormone Connection

Sea Vegetables and Cancer http://www.seaveg.com/faq4.html
Sea vegetables have been used for centuries in Japanese and Chinese medicine for treatment of cancer. Recent scientific research has started to verify this traditional usage. For example, a study in 1995 demonstrated anti-tumor activity in kelp (Ascophyllum and Fucus species) against leukemia P-388. Certain compounds in kombu (Laminaria japonica) and wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) have been shown to have anti-mutagenic activity. Fucous (sulfated polysaccharides) extracted from brown sea veggies - the "kelps" - have been shown to inhibit cell growth, which means they may be able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. In fact, a Japanese investigation duplicated a traditional Chinese medicinal formula using kelp (Laminaria species) and achieved reduction in size and number of tumors in laboratory experiments.
Currently very exciting work with cancer and sea veggies is being done by Dr. Jane Teas who is affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Programs and Health at the Harvard School of Public Health. In 1981 she published a paper on a number of well-documented reasons why the consumption of seaweed, particularly the kelps, might be a factor in the lower rate of breast cancer found in postmenopausal women in Japan. It has been noted that many sea vegetables contain significant amounts of lignans, more than legumes, whole grains, vegetables and fruits (but less than flaxseed). These lignans become phytoestrogens in the body and bond preferentially to the estrogen receptor site. Thus they may have therapeutic and preventative value against cancers in which estrogen plays a part, such as breast cancer.
Dr. Teas is now conducting research on 25 postmenopausal women to see if alaria (and other brown seaweeds) supply enough phytoestrogens to provide an effective, natural alternative to estrogen replacement therapy.
Dr. Ryan Drum, Ph.D., states that fucoidan (a compound found in brown sea vegetables such as kelp and bladderwrack) "is extremely anti-proliferative against cancer cells. It also interferes with every stage of viral attack: cell attachment, cell penetration, and intracellular viron production. " As an interesting indication of our deep biological connection to the sea vegetables, Dr. Ryan points out that "all human cells studied are found to have receptor sites for Fucose, the end-group sugar on fucoidan." (from his papers Sea Vegetables and Seaweeds, and Seaweed Therapeutics, PHWHS 2001).
OTHER USES: Anti-fibroid & cancer prevention program for helping keep breast and uterine tissue healthy:
Douche or implant into the vaginal cavity a solution of Electridine. (We suggest using the Salve, not the liquid in alcohol since alcohol stings). Add a drop or two of DMSO to help penetration if desired. Follow up with 1/2 cup of Nano-Magnesium orally every 4 hours. & Foot Soaks in 2 Cups of Magnesium Chloride Salts.
Orally ingested iodine and iodide collects preferentially in the thyroid. To bypass this route, vaginal must be done to hit those receptors first.
Do this 2-3 times per week or until desired results are achieved. Thyroid patients at risk for cancer should be monitored by a knowledgeable Integrative Medicine Antiaging Physician.
Note: Traditional Iodine products such as Lugol's Solution are very strong and can become toxic to the thyroid gland (causes hypothyroidism and/or sometimes the opposite which is Goiter). You can avoid the toxic side effects by using the Atomic Iodine.

Research References:
Adv Exp Med Biol. 1977;91:293-304.
Iodine and mammary cancer.
Eskin BA.
From laboratory studies presented, iodine appears to be a requisite for the normalcy of breast tissue in higher vertebrates. When lacking, the parenchyma in rodents and humans show atypia, dysplasia, and even neoplasia. Iodine-deficient breast tissues are also more susceptible to carcinogen action and promote lesions earlier and in greater profusion. Metabolically, iodine-deficient breasts show changes in RNA/DNA ratios, estrogen receptor proteins, and cytosol iodine levels. Clinically, radionuclide studies have shown that breast atypia and malignancy have increased radioactive iodine uptakes. Imaging of the breasts in high-risk women has localized breast tumors. The potential use of breast iodine determination to determine estrogen dependence of breast cancer has been considered and the role of iodide therapy discussed. In conclusion, iodine appears to be a compulsory element for the breast tissue growth and development. It presents great potential for its use in research directed toward the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of breast cancer.
Publication Types:
* Clinical Trials
* Breast Cancer Res. 2003;5(5):R110-3./ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/utils/lofref.fcgi?PrId=3196&uid=12927031&db=pubmed&url=http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/5/5/235 >Tp

The thyroid, iodine and breast cancer.
Smyth PP.
Endocrine laboratory, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, and Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Research, University College Dublin, Ireland. ppa.smyth@ucd.ie
A renewal of the search for a link between breast cancer and thyroid disease has once again demonstrated an increased prevalence of autoimmune thyroid disease in patients with breast cancer. This is the most recent of many studies showing an association between a variety of thyroid disorders and breast cancer. Such an association is not surprising as both diseases are female predominant with a similar postmenopausal peak incidence. The significance of the presence of thyroid autoantibodies, particularly thyroid peroxidase antibodies, in serum from patients with breast cancer is unknown, but it has been suggested that antibody positivity is associated with better prognosis. One area in which thyroid and breast functions overlap is in the uptake and utilization of dietary iodide. Experimental findings showing the ability of iodine or iodine-rich seaweed to inhibit breast tumour development is supported by the relatively low rate of breast cancer in Japanese women who consume a diet containing iodine-rich seaweed. However, there is as yet no direct evidence that iodine, iodinated compounds, or a combination of iodine and selenium is the antimammary carcinogenic element in the Japanese diet. It remains to be resolved whether the perceived breast cancer-thyroid disease relationship is thyroid or iodine related or, in the case of thyroid autoantibodies, is the consequence of an immune response to the carcinoma. Is this response breast specific and does it relate to iodine status? These and many other questions await resolution before a definitive role in the natural history of breast carcinoma can be assigned to the thyroid.

Ghent WR. "Choose molecular iodine to treat fibrocystic breast disease." Modern Med. April1994;62:54,57
Ghent WR, et al. "Iodine replacement in fibrocystic disease of the breast." Can J Surg. October,1993;36(5):453-460.
Krouse TB, et al. "Age-related changes resembling fibrocystic disease in iodine-blocked rat breasts." Arch Pathol Lab Med. November,1979;103:631-634.
Eskin BA, et al. "Mammary gland dysplasia in iodine deficiency: studies in rats." JAMA. May22,1967;200(8):115-119.
Orthoiodosupplementation: Iodine Sufficiency Of The Whole Human Body
Guy. E. Abraham M.D.1, Jorge D. Flechas M.D.2 and John C. Hakala R.Ph.3
(Unfortunately they're on the right track but using the wrong train...they're using the water soluable form bound to potassium salts tableted Lugols Solution which can become toxic in high doses as discussed earlier--Iodoral is just tableted Lugol's Solution, Potassium Iodide)

Monatomic Iodine 1.5%

  • Product Code: MI15
  • Availability: 2-3 Days
  • $35.00